Eileen Z. Fuentes | Welcome!/Bienvenidos!
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09 Mar Welcome!/Bienvenidos!

Today is my birthday. Whoop, whoop! Go ME but seriously folks I couldn’t think of a better day to launch this blog than on this special day. After going through a serious, life-threatening health crisis, birthdays have that much more significance. Anyway, today our journey together begins. Grab my hand and let’s go.

So what is The SPEACH? Well… The SPEACH is an acronym for a much longer name. It stands for the Self Promotion, Empowerment, Advocacy and Care Haven.  In short, my goal is to create a safe haven where you can go and instantly feel supported, loved and can learn how to take your health into your own hands.  It also means the following:

Self-Promotion: Add YOU to the to-do list, then propel yourself to the very top of it. The aim is to learn how to navigate your life and your care. NOW is the time to set goals and actually work to reach them! Less talking more doing…

 (Self) Empowerment: To invest with authority, to enable or permit. Yes, this means YOU! While you may allow others to give their two cents, ultimately YOU decide what is and what isn’t. This is all about YOU!

(Self) Advocacy: Active support, especially of a cause… the cause in this case being YOU! Let your voice be heard. ♫ Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights ♪ (hopefully your impact will affect others in your community and we start a movement)

(Self) Care: And the best for last… The intention of improving or restoring health, treating or preventing disease. I cannot stress how important this is! A little self-care a day (and an apple), keeps the doctor away!

The traditional use of the word “speech” is defined as expression, feelings, or perceptions by the articulation of words. I couldn’t find a better way to summarize  what I intend to do in with this blog. I welcome you with open arms and a virtual high-five. Subscribe to receive updates or visit often for a dose of my musings, health-supportive recipes, handpicked articles on all things health and wellness, and some good ol’ tough love.

So there you have it! Read more on my about page:

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Eileen Z. Fuentes

After a breast cancer diagnosis in 2008, Eileen became her own Self-Healthcare Activist. She is an Integrative Cancer Coach and works full-time helping patients do more than just survive at Columbia University’s Cancer Center in New York City.

  • Sky Pape
    Posted at 09:25h, 10 March Reply

    Thank you for creating this new and welcoming resource/haven. Looking forward to seeing this community grow and support each other with the lead of your good humor, smarts, insights and experience. Wishing you all the best!

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